Products from Gold Suppliers will have a better chance of appearing at the top of a buyer's search results.
90% of buyers will view the first 3 search results pages only.
Gold Suppliers will receive the unique opportunity of having their products showcased in more than 20 tradeshows globally as we represent them exclusively while we meet and speak with Buyers on behalf of them. In addition, we will organize more than 100 targeted events, such as SME - focused exhibitions, seminars, workshops and forums each year in order to act as an unofficial ambassador of Bangladesh.
1. Both the quality and quantity of your product postings strongly influence a buyer's intent to purchase.
Product Showcase is a ranking function that highlights your products within both your customized website and in a buyer's search results.
Product Showcase - It's good for business to get over 100 times more buyer clicks.
Gold Suppliers can contact buyers immediately when a new Buying Request is posted. Gold Suppliers also have exclusive access to buyers' contact information.
Over 20,000 new Buying Requests are posted on BuyerSeller.Asia everyday.
Customized website contains:
* Company photos
* Company video
* Company certificates
* A&V process priority
* One-on-one assistance
* Priority access to promotions
5GB Photo Bank size = 1,500+ product photos (3MB/photo)
2GB Photo Bank size = 1,000+ product photos (3MB/photo)
1GB Photo Bank size = 300+ product photos (3MB/photo)
150MB Photo Bank size = 50 product photos (3MB/photo)
Only Gold
Members will get the benefit of being promoted and represented in more than 100 targeted events,
exhibitions, trade shows, seminars, workshops and forums each year.
To learn more about our Gold Supplier,Click Here
Contact BuyerSeller.Asia staff at goldsupplier@BuyerSeller.Asia.