Buyer Seller Asia believes that a nation can only prosper if the corporations and businesses within that nation are working for the future. Buyer Seller Asia is committed to supporting, promoting, and encouraging manufacturers who are strictly adhering to the guidelines set forth by the United Nations for manufacturing.
The concept of Corporate Sustainability is not new. In fact, Corporate Sustainability has long been in practice to help corporations with business longevity. The new United Nations guidelines take that concept along with new, greener ways of doing business to lessen the environmental harm done during by corporate manufacturing.
The basis of corporate sustainability is the values that a business or industry operates on. A dedication to the future well being of a business or industry is connected to how willing it is to adopt the principles of protecting the environment, defending human rights and labor, and fighting against corruption within the business.
The Buyer Seller Asia firmly believes in supporting new and existing corporations and manufacturers that are doing business not only to lessen the environmental footprint of their industry, but whom are also following human rights and labor guidelines set forth by the United Nation. Buyer Seller Asia believes that by following these guidelines, we are building a stronger nation and a better future.
Corporate sustainability is not limited to just to the environment, but also caters to human rights, labor, and anti-corruption. A sustainable business is one that respects and implements practices and procedures that protect the environment and it's employees and labor force. A sustainable business is one that also recognizes and believes in adhering to anti-corruption laws, and takes steps to avoid corruption in and out of business.
A business that wishes to have the support of the Buyer Seller Asia should comply with the guidelines set out by the UN's Global Guide to Corporate Sustainability, including:
As mentioned in the Corporate Sustainability Report by the UN, “Corporate sustainability begins with righteous approach and value system to do business which requires the business organizations to meet the minimum standards of human rights, anti-corruption and labor environment.